Saturday, October 21, 2006

True Wife Confession 100 tiles in Scrabble

Confession #991

11 years. You and I have been together 11 years. You are my first and only. Why do you treat me so badly? Why do you treat our kids so badly? I realize now that you always have, I was just more willing to overlook it when it was just me. Seriously, to wake me up this morning to yell at me about a coffee filter that was left in a damn coffee pot. Then, to go on about how messy the house is and start swearing at me. It is 5 am. I was up until after midnight with our daughter. I should be able to sleep for 2 more hours, have you no courtesy.
You need to treat me better. You need to have respect for our kids, or they will never respect you. I am ready to leave. I don't want to leave. I would like for us to work. I would like to still love you. After you waking me up to yell at me this morning (again) I think I hate you. You left, and I cried myself back to sleep.
I work too. And I take care of the kids. All I want is some help, and more than 3-5 hours of sleep a night. And don't yell at our son if he doesn't want to watch racing again. He misses you. He sees you only on weekends due to your work schedule. Play with the kid. He loves you so much and you treat him like an inconvenience. All you do is make him watch races and play video games. Actually that is how you interact with our daughter too. Please talk to them. While we are at it, use our names. I am not hey you, he is not buddy and she is not monster. I will ignore you if you don't use my name. I use yours. I hate you calling me dear. because even though you are using an endearment, you usually use it when you are going to complain/yell about something, or make me cry. I have a name. I used to have confidence. I am a completely different person when you are not home. I am a happy person when you are not home.
Please help me to love you again. I don' t want to know that almost half my life will have been a waste.

Confession #992

I'm really scared. I love you a lot. We've been together for a very, very long time. We have a "perfect marriage"-- whatever that means. Why now do you want to bring bestiality into it? Isn't it sexy enough to do it with me? I'm hot!! I'm really, really hot and beautiful and sexy. (Don't worry TWC, I don't brag usually, I'm just stating my argument here). I admit the fantasy of dirty sex is great, but I think fucking a dog is over the line. I just can't bring myself to tell you because I'm afraid you will cheat on me if I don't do it with you. And if I do it with you, I will never forgive myself. Yuck.

Confession #993

One wife to another (kind of):

This latest bullshit is a stupid attention-getting ploy, plus a last-ditch
attempt to romanticize your mediocre life, your mediocre personality, and
your mediocre "marriage." If you're not married after that many years
together, you're not sharing finances , and he's making you pay for all of
your own groceries, you're ROOMMATES.

Stop trying to find someone else to validate your shallow existence, and
start making yourself someone worth being around. Especially, stop trying to
get my husband to come over to your house after work and talk about our
problems. The sympathetic shoulder act is not going to make him fall into
bed with you. He's onto you, and we both think it's sad at best, creepy and
disturbing at worst.

Confession #994

I know you think that no other man out would find me attractive and for a while I believed it too. But guess what, there are other guys out there who want to touch me, even if you don`t. There are other guys out there who want to kiss me with passion, unlike you who barely pecks me on the cheek these days. And yes, on Saturday night I was wearing more make-up than usual because I was going off to meet one of said guys, not some female friends and yes, I did kiss him and no, I don`t have any regrets. If you had shown me one ounce of affection in the past year I might not have been driven to do something that is so totally against my moral code. I hate you for making me into the shell of my real self that I have become. One day I will get out of here and you will realise what you have been taking for granted since we got married. Then again, as you will still have your favourite person around (yourself) you might not even notice.

Confession #995

I'm mad at you for making me go back to work. I don't want to. I'm not ready. I need to be home to cook and clean. I like that. I don't love it. But I like it. I wanted to stay home until our youngest was 2. Well, he is only 11 months. We survive (barely) on your income. Which I don't make a lot of money. I know where all the money goes, and it still seems there is never enough. And the fact I will only be bringing home like $100 a week is pathetic. We will just spend it on going out to eat and on coffee.

You are an amazing husband and father, but sometimes your priorities are a little out of whack.

Confession #996

To my ex-husband:

For 13 years I took care of you, did all the housework, was the breadwinner, and let you do anything you wanted, because that was the way you wanted it. You never once said thank you for everything I did for you. You never once turned on the vacuum cleaner.
Two years ago, you left me for a 22 year old. I was shattered.
Now, two years later, my life is completely turned around, It's all about ME. I have a wonderful man in my life, I have orgasms with this man, I have a great job I love, I'm going to start saving for a house of my own, I've travelled to places I never thought I would see. I finally LOVE MY LIFE! And none of it would have happened if you hadn't been so selfish.
It's too bad the 22 year old turned out to be a psycho who's cut your nuts off, and whom your family can't stand. I don't even hate you two anymore, you're too funny, like a Jackie Collins book.
I don't think things have turned out quite the way you thought they would two years ago, have they? Karma's a bitch.
And stop trying to get back together with me. It's pathetic

Confession #997

Have I told you I hated you?

Confession #998

You ask me about my fantasies, you want me to tell you my deepest desires, but I can't- because they're all about someone else. I love you more than you can know, but this guy- I can't let him go. You think you were my first love, but I think he was... we just never had a chance. I'm happy that I ended up with you, and don't regret our life, but I wonder what it would be like if I'd fought for him, if he'd fought for me.

I'm ashamed that I think these things, but I can't stop. He's in my head daily. And even though I know I would not cheat on you or do anything inappropriate, I have looked him up. I can't and won't pursue him, but I know where he is.

I wish I knew how to let him go.

Confession #999

Checking my email is not ok so why do you do it?

We are not together anymore.

I’m not doing anything wrong or inappropriate.

And even if I was it’s none of your damn business.


Confession #1000

A confession to a wife: You are blowing it. Your husband is out and he is trolling, he is hitting on women, and I am taking him up on it. And don't bother all of you "anonymous" commenters, I know it is wrong, and I don't want to listen to or read your shit, this is my confession. I am sleeping with your husband, and we are both enjoying it. There is no emotional attachment between us, this is pure raw sex. And he doesn't seem the type, shy, quiet, busy with so many things, how does he have time you wonder? For me he makes time. And the shit of it all is, he would rather be with you.


Anonymous said...

#999...change your passwords!

Anonymous said...

1000, you might not want to read our "shit", but toughshit. You are a homewrecking skank! enough said huh?

Anonymous said...


I wonder what number you'll be when you fall in love the husband, but he won't leave his wife for a two-bit harpy. 1012? 1013? It'll happen quicker than you think. See ya in a couple posts.

Anonymous said...

999: or you could forward your mail to another account. Then none of it will appear in your old one.

Anonymous said...


You're still a slut.
Wait till you fall in love, and he cheats on you with some other slut. Maybe that'll change your tune.

Anonymous said...

992: Tell him. If your marriage is "perfect" in all the other areas, he will be respectful of you. If he is not, then your marriage may not have been as strong as you previously thought. No man in his right mind could justify cheating on his hot wife because she didn't want to get it on with a dog. It's animal abuse, and it's abuse of your integrity. Stand up, or you will be angry with yourself forever.

Anonymous said...


what the comment above said, plus the its most likely illegal.

Anonymous said...

Wow 992! Get. Out. Now! That is sick. Not to mention illegal, immoral, disgutsting, and something I had to study for a deviant behavior class.

Anonymous said...

#992 - blech, that's seriously gross - and I'm a dude. Just say 'no'. I can't even imagine how I'd feel if I found out a girl I was seeing had done that. Your husband thinks that's hot?!

Anonymous said...

#991... you have to stand up. Believe in the potential of yourself, the good qualities of yourself, and your strength. Your post made me think of my mother. I'm in my early thirties, and she's in her early fifties, and she's never bounced back to be the funny, outrageous and lively woman I remember from when I was a kid. My dad just squashed all of that out of her in thirty years of marriage. I'm afraid she's simply broken, and she won't ever be the person she was meant to be. She can't seem to recoup what she's lost, and it breaks my heart. She's quiet, hopeless, and so resigned (and they divorced five years ago!!) Don't let it happen to you!!

Anonymous said...


You know, I'm just sorry you have to deal with this at all. And it is totally Yuck with a capital Y. He wants to watch you do it with a dog? That is wrong on so many levels and just in case you had any doubts, it is gross. You might have had the perfect marriage, but this might put a big 'ol crack in it. Take your hot self, which I totally believe you to be, and find yourself a hot guy who wants to have sex with YOU and only YOU. Preferrably a hot guy without any pets.

Anonymous said...

994: No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
-Elanor Roosevelt

Why is it that you let yourself feel this way. You can stand up to him and demand respect. You also should take responsibility and realize that he did not make you have an affair. You chose to do that. I'm not saying that your situation did not hurt you, but many choose to remain loyal throughout that, especially if it's "so totally against" their moral codes.

Anonymous said...

#992 - Gross, gross, gross.... tell him to fuck off. That's just nasty.

Anonymous said...

If my husband EVER suggested we include animals in our sex lives... well that's when I'd leave. Seriously, that is GROSS! Not only is it DISGUSTING, but what about the poor animal?

Also, as for 1000... people like you make me sick.

Anonymous said...


Nice fake confession.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that when someone sends in something unbelievable, it is called fake? Beastiality happens dude. That is why it is illegal.

Anonymous said...

Do not do it, you would never forgive yourself.

Anonymous said...

Fake or not, I'm sure some wife, some where had to deal with that. Hell, I'm sure some wives had to deal with that at some point. Have you met the internet? Incredibly naive person, meet the internet; or, where freaks and weirdos, furries and dog-sex lovers are made to feel perfectly normal on messageboards and porn sites galore.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Makes the post a couple of days ago about the husband letting the dog watch sex seem less weird, huh?

Anonymous said...

I got the same feeling that 992 was fake. I'm not saying it doesn't exsist-- I just think it's very, very rare and that confession sounded made up. I'm not buying it.

Anonymous said...

992. I believe you. Do you live in Seattle? All you people that don't believe 992, maybe you don't read the news. Some guy was arrested for sexual acts with a dog. I couldn't read the story because I know I'd throw up. But check out yahoo's there. Honey, whether that man is your husband or not, get out. My ex wanted to do things I didn't and I did them to make him happy...we were divorced shortly after because I couldn't look myself in the mirror when he would push to do it again.

Anonymous said...

I'm telling you all that beastiality is real and happens frequently. Look at Mesa, Az. One of the Assistant Fire Chiefs was CAUGHT in the barn of a neighbor with his pants down holding a little baby lamb into position. The daughter of the man that owns the house and the barn watched this man drag this little lamb into the barn and called her dad and the police. My major was Psychosociology in college and this shit really happens.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The post about the husband who wanted to have sex with the dog. Maybe whoever posted it just read in the news the other day about the woman who walked out on her back porch and caught her husband having sex with their female pitt bull terrier. She took pictures of it on her cell phone and left his sorry ass and went to the police. Now not only is he getting divorced, but he is facing animal cruelty charges also.

Anonymous said...

This is the link to the recent beastiality report about man having sex with dog. See, this just happened on Wednesday. It is not unbelievable. The confession may not be true, but it is till possible to happen

Anonymous said...

Or seriously....this woman's husband wants her to get it on with a dog. Despite all news reports recently giving us this news, some people like to get it on with animals. Haven't you people seen Deliverance?

Anonymous said...

"Squeal like a pig!"

Anonymous said...

MAybe your the one with your priorities a little out of whack. I work part time i bring home just a little bit more then you say you will but my job covers the food each week. WE don't really have the money to go out to eat and i accept that it makes the times we can better.

Anonymous said...

Geez #1000, for the first time EVER I am wondering if that is MY husband. I'm going to watch for new underwear...

Anonymous said...

I love 1000. I really do.

Tell the truth, sister.

Every man would take a woman up on no strings sex if he thought he wouldn't get caught...believe me, I know.

Kimberlee said...


Reading your post broke my heart. You should or your kids should not have to endure another minute of feeling like "inconveniences". I wish you had the courage to show him what you've written. Don't let another 11 years go by like this. Please.

Anonymous said...

Dear 991, You don't want to leave of course you don't but you know you have to, even if it's just for a while until he steps down from his high horse and makes some changes. His behaviour is unacceptable, your kids are watching and listening and from what you say, he's treating them with the same disregard, it's time to step up sister, for their sake and for yours. Nobody should be woken up at 5am to be screamed at about a coffee filter, nobody! Leave, now, or at the very least tell him calmly that his behaviour is unacceptable, stay calm though, he sounds like he has a temper, the only way to combat that is by not rising to it. Look this is silly, I'm a complete stranger analysing your life - sheesh! I've been where you are though, I know the feeling, I did leave then I came back, it got worse and worse, finally somehow we bottomed out and he agreed to come to counseling with me. It has helped enormously, we're working well together, yes we still have problems, he pushes my buttons, I push his, we react and provoke consciously and unconsciously, but we're learning how to deal with the flashpoints and so far so good. What you are describing is wrong, it's not healthy for you or your kids, or for your husband/boyfriend whatever he is (I'm not married so I don't assume others are), you do not have to put up with it for ever, you have choices and difficult decisions to make. Don't suffer it sweetheart, you are string enough to know that it's wrong, now be strong enough to do something about it, if not for yourself then for your kids. Be well sister, even though this site is anonymous it feels like a community to me, a community of women looking at what is behind each others masks, no one of us has it perfect and many many of us have been where you are. In spirit alone I am with you giving you the srength and courage you need to change your situation and make it better, you deserve better.

Anonymous said...

991 -

I can relate. You have described my relationship to a t. You don't want to leave, but you feel that things aren't going to change. In your heart, you know that...

You are a wonderful woman. Keep that in mind.

I've come to realize that I don't want my kiddos growing up in that type of environment. It is verbal and mental abuse. My daughter and son deserve so much more. So do yours....

Anonymous said...

If you don't believe bestiality happens...look at this...

Anonymous said...

#991...Please say those things to him. I didn't. i sometimes wonder if he might have changed if I had. Now I'm divorced. I don't regret it, but I do regret staying as long as I did, letting him treat our kids badly, and wasting half my adult life on a man who never valued me.

Anonymous said...

I am not 991, but it may as well have been me that wrote the confesion. It describes my life to a "T" as well. I feel my life has taken the wrongest turn it ever could have on the day I married this man, because the strong, happier version of myself has been gone and lost. He sucked out the life, the love and any passion I had right outta me. I have been contemplating divorcing him for the past year, hoping things will improve. There are those shining moments here and there, where he does the right thing, or shockingly says the right thing, but those seem too far and too few in between. We have a little boy who's almost two, and it breaks my heart to see him go through exactly the same things that yours do, 991. He loves his daddy so much and is so excited to see him wheh he comes thru the door, and all my DH (thats dickhead) can do is barely show some emotional response. I'm tired of his dismissive behavior towards me and our child, I'm tired of the disrespect of which I don't want our son to learn to re-enact. I wish it was easy to just pick up and leave, and I;m not just talking about the money. A boy does need a father, and as much as I have started to resent DH, its a very tough decision as well: do I head down the path of single-mothering forever, knowing my son wont have to witness his mother being disrespected and be surrounded by less tension and fighting, or does I force myself to seek counseling for a marriage I dont want to be in, for the sake of a child to grow up in a whole family unit with a father who, to be fair,has the ability to be great w/him but only when its convenient? Its not as black and white as someone on the outside may think.
PS-still thinking about contacting a lawyer just to get all the real facts on what to do. I heard that in order to get the proper alimony, support, etc, you need to be together for at least 5 years to show that you've attempted to stick it out. hope its not true, being that it would make our son 7 y.o. by then and not worth the emotional scarring...

Anonymous said...

I AM 992!!!!! The one with the husband who wants to engage in beastiality. You can believe me or not, but I will have you know, this is a very real and true problem that I am facing. I love my husband very much and I had no idea about this "deviant" side to him. Thank you all for your comments, though I still don't know what to do. Think about if you husband whom you love so much and cherish so much came to you with a fantasy -- any fantasy -- and you turned him down, knowing that if you did, he would be unsatisfied. You would probably do it anyway (don't we all have anal sex...come on, it's not really that great for the girl) but we do things to keep our men happy. I don't know. Anyway, it's not fake and I'm still not sure what to do. And, a side note: I don't need critisizm. Just good advice.

Anonymous said...

I am 991. It was so helpful to write that confession, and see it published. I needed so badly to vent. Things have been rough for about 4 years now, starting to get worse with a 15 week bedrest during pregnancy, and culminating to what I wrote about. I know things have to change. I am scared. I am so scared. I don't know anything but this life. Part of me wishes he would be called up to active duty and I would have peace for a year and a half.

Thank you all for your advice. It is good to see that others agree that this is not a normal thing.

Anonymous said...

Okay 992: Here's my opinion. If you do this, you will be putting yourself on a fast-track to a living hell. You want to keep this man that wants to degrade you in such an abhorant, devient way? Let's say you do it-- do you really think he's going to stop there? He'll go on to wanting you to have sex with other animals and are you going to do that? Just to keep THAT sort of man? He's no longer your husband-- he's lost to you, my friend. Don't follow him down. "Abnormal desires kill the taste for normal ones."

If you do think it's worth it to save your marriage, then my only other advice to you is tell him in no uncertain tems "NO", and he is to never speak of it again. Best of luck to you.... but I really hope you leave him and find a great man who values you and gets off having amazing sex with only you!

Anonymous said...

If your husband would resent you that much for not having sex with an animal - is he really someone you want to keep?

Anonymous said...

Hi 992,
No criticism, just my opinion. If he loves you enough, he'll respect you enough to accept your likes and your dislikes. If you don't stand up for yourself with him on something so personal and invasive to you for fear of losing him, then I'm sorry, but that's not love. Noone who honestly loves you would ever pressure you to do something you don't want to or threaten to leave/betray you if you refuse. And YOU need to love yourself enough to say no, and realize that doing something against your better judgement for anyone will come back to haunt you for the rest of your life. Listen to that inner voice... it will always save you.

Anonymous said...

992, you are afraid he will cheat on you if you don't perform this fantasy? Who's he going to cheat with to fulfill this fantasy? a dog?

Michelle said...

You know what - I'm flat out sickened. I'm an animal lover to the nth degree and nothing ticks me off more than someone even THINKING of abusing an animal! I'm sorry, but if you do this, no one (including yourself and your psycho husband) will have any respect for you.

Your husband belongs in prison - plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

I hope you get hit by a mack truck and lose the ability to feel in your legs.

Anonymous said...

This blog is in a book - Sex, Sleep or Scrabble? - p 95 under Should I write an infidelity blog? I don't know if the author got permission, but it's the funniest book I've read about sex and he's a doctor, so I'm hoping its accurate. Anyone else seen it?

Anonymous said...