How about something fun and dishy today?
I know I could use a giggle as I prepare for BlogHer ( Yep - I'll be there...)
So a hodge podge, if you will - an amalgam of silliness....
Did you ever......
have sex in a dressing room?
Come on, you know how the game is played. I know I am not the only one...
Now, your turn.
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Dressing room, my office, the steps of the cape hatteras lighthouse, outside, behind a bar, in the parking lot of the ER, - need I go on? LOL
His office and the beach...I'm working on the mile high club. ;)
In the dressing room. That's hot Dawn.
On a hotel balcony in Cancun. That was a big deal for me...I'm pretty vanilla. :)
Nope, not in a dressing room. Did you ever . . .
perform a sexual act in a movie theater?
Inside a yellow crawly tube at a public playground.
1:04 - waving the white flag - so far you have won hands down - lol!
12:52 - oh yeah on the movie theatre thing.
How bout their ultimate fantasy (k, one of them) - blowing them while they drive? Just did that one yesterday. I'm such a freak.
In a dressing room, in the parking lot of the airport, at a bus stop, in the alley by a coffee shop, in the movie theatre, at an OBGYN appt. (with partner, not Doc), etc.
What can I say, I got a thing for it.
1:40 yeah that's my thing too.
Fun being freaky :)
LOL There aren't many places we haven't done it. We did it on a public picnic table once with people about 5 feet away.
I gave him a hand job while my mom was in the same room and she had no idea.
My hubby is a truck driver and I gave him a blowjob while he was driving his semi truck. Now that was fun lol.
I can barely get my husband to have sex at all, let alone somewhere outside the bedroom. I'm jealous!
They love the bj's in the car - I did one last week and thought he was going to wreck.
The best was a local golf green -Hole #9 - it's easy access from the road...
In a Catholic Church Parking Lot
3:52 IS GOING TO HELL! J/K...get it where you can!♥
3:52 is acutally my new hero ;) LMFAO
At a Def Leppard concert, in a "closed" pool at the Tropicana Hotel, restroom in a 5 star restaurant, in a vineyard, on the beach, on the conference table at work. I "got mine" while driving a limo (I'm female)... I know there's more...
Me too for the conference table...couldn't keep a straight face at a single staff meeting from then on!
I once rode my boyfriend while he was driving his truck. Luckily we were on back roads, but still it was interesting. We used to do it on his parent's pool table all of the time too.
Lets see...
Okay so I'm young (23) so I still got a ways to go...
Recently @ the drive in movies with cars within 20 feet of us. Apartment complex in the car.Numerous parking lots. Bathroom of parents house-everyone table. bent over kitchen chair.on top of the the park.--
Quite the boring list huh?
Thats okay. It was all with the same man. My first,my only and my last.
Let me think. . . i've had sex in about 10 cars, my boyfriends mom's bed, his sisters bed, the living room of my parents house with everyone home, in a movie theater, doggy style on the altar in a church (my dad is a minister), at his job, we both masturbated in a car while stopped on the highway due to an accident - there were cars surrounding us
In the car, in all types of parking lots, in his office, in my office, in the movies, in my parents house, i always give bj's while he is driving, on top of all counters, in my dressing room, i can go on and on but my list will be to long. i am just a freak and loves sex like it's candy. He is my candy......
in a car at a wedding...gave a bj in the stairwell of an airport.....i love the thrill of possibly getting caught!
Not a dressing room, but in the women's bathroom at the Stone Pony (Asbury Park NJ), an elevator in an office building, the front steps of an NYC brownstone and a subway train. Ah, memories.
Okay, now I'm scared to drive or ride in a car ever again. Lots of distracted drivers out there, lol.
How 'bout in a convenience store stockroom bent over a stack of Budweiser cases?
I'm jealous :-( The closest we've come (no pun intended) is me giving my husband a BJ while he drove the RV down the interstate. Unfortunately, I didn't see the ham radio bracket as it sliced into my leg, and I ended up needed 15 stitches in the ER. I'm gonna have to work on those closets, parties, and other entertaining locales!!
On the beach (the first time), on a dock on the Grand Canal in Venice (oh! vacation sex!), in a canoe on a lake, under the boardwalk in new jersey, in a clearing in a state park (interrupted by a forest ranger!), on the hood of a car in a parking garage...geez, I'm 40 years old and I JUST realized that I'm kinda into the outdoors!
Hey I got one, the State Highway Patrol parking lot with a patrol man who was off duty. There was a patrol car next to us that had a dog in it that was curious. The steps of the state capitol. The nurses couch in an elementary school after hours. That's about it.
In the Short stay carpark at Heathrow Airport, First Class carriage on the train on the way back from London, made the gf orgasm whilst in the cinema watching Hannibal (she had already seen it), In the woods, in the car when a group of kids turned up with parents to for a birthday treat in said woods. BJ's in the car whilst I was driving. Dads bathroom floor whilst he was holding a party. In the office on my desk (that made me smile at work) a few more that aren't as exciting but you get the idea. Have fun everyone
Conference room table wearing very sparkly clothes...for two years every time one of the partners had a meeting in there they came out with glitter on them somewhere. I tried to clean it. Really.
3:52 is my new Hero!!!!!!!! LMAO
Catholic girl too..... you know what they say.. LOL
ROFL, Catholic Church parking lot!! That's the bomb!
I've given oral in a dressing room, done it in a cave in the woods, a gazebo in a public park, in the parking lot of a store (at night)...I think the cave was the weirdest place.
In the handicapped lav on a airplane heading to London. Over the boot of his car in the carpark very late one night. In his mums pantry during a party on New Years eve.
I did it on my living room sofa, beach, pool (with other people inside the pool.), pool table, car, parents bed. Those are the ones I remember.
My husband is really unadventurous. But, I've given him oral while he's driving. We've done it in the bathroom of hotel room while the people we were sharing the room with were sleeping. In my parent's hot tub while my parent's were inside watching TV. In the hot tub at a community pool. At my grandmother's house. At his grandmother's house.
Dang, I'm boring compared to all of y'all. :)
had sex while he was was driving on an interstate with a cop car in front of us and one in back of us. also in the men's room of the yacht club, on spruce street in center city, on someone's front steps on 15th street, and in the visiting room of a high security prison with people sitting right next to us. just to name a few...
WEEEE! This is bringing back some memories!
Did it in my car at the Tijuana border, front yard (it was dark!), my office...OH! Once I gave my ex a handjob as we were coming back from Ohio and we had a cb radio at the time and passed a trucker who promptly announced on the radio what we were doing and which car we were in. :( Ruined our fun.
I used to work at a movie theater so i had easy access to everything. My bf at the time and I did it in the electrical room, conference table, boss's chair in office, stock room, and a few different places in the projection booth. Also the car, both of parents' beds, a friend's shower during a party, he fingered me while he was driving - talk about swerving!!
Current bf and i are working up to things. He is pretty vanilla and never had a girl that wanted to do anything other than on her back in a bed sex. So far, we've only had handcuffs, all over our house (big deal for him to do it not in a bed) and a hot tub.
Oh yeah and on a dock while everyone else was camping on shore. It was dark though.
Gave my bf at the time a bj on "It's a Small World " ride at Disney. Done it lots of weird places but I'd say that's the stangest!
8:03! I'm an Orange county girl and I know sooooo many people who've done the deed at the Happiest Place on Earth.
My first time- We borrowed the keys to a friends dad's boat... didn't know the name of the boat just that it was wooden and had a Hawaiian name. In the kitchen, bathroom, and next bed while the family slept. At a drive-in. In the car on a back road off HWY 5. Numerous times at the beach. Ohhhh.... a bar bathroom in Spain. (Hey if the bouncer was getting some I figured we wouldn't get in trouble for doing the same in the next bathroom.) Later that night on a washing machine outside while the family slept inside. The shower. Plenty of BJ's on our long drives. Hotel Balcony's.
I think I may have you all. I have done it on the USS COBIA in Manitowoc WI. after hours. Its a WWII submarine thats been changed in to a museum.
OMG 3:52 so glad to know I'm not the only one, hmm what safer place could there be, non'es gonna expect to see it there LOL
hotel hot tub and the riskiest, driving down the highway at 70 mph
while he was driving, it was late at night on the interstate, in a bathroom at his mom's house during a july 4th celebration, in a park in the middle of the day, of course in several parked cars, and all the normal places. any place we could!!!
Numerous parking lots, hotel pool which was in a glass room, a few public parks (on picnic tables lol), pulled over on the freeway, friend's living room during a party...then after, friend's hot tub, at 7 corners in Minneapolis next to a building (a few times), IL's basement, IL's bathroom, BIL's closet with him sleeping in the room, back yard, I think that's it....
The solarium at the restaurant where I used to work with one of my crew. Okay, the restaurant was closed and the I was married to the "crew", but still...
In the bathroom of the Sheraton Beijing China while his teenage son slept in the bed just outside the door.
In my high school chemistry lab, during lunch break....with he chemistry teacher. Okay, so it was 5 years after I graduated when came back to work as a substitute, and he wasn't even a teacher when I went to school there, AND we had been dating for a few months, but it still felt VERY wrong in a VERY good way, lol.
3:56 I have you tied! I've done in on the Cobia during one of the sleep overs they host!
Small world... are you from the area?
In a cab... in front of my inlaws restruant...........
My boring-as-white-toast husband has come a long way since we got together, but i have nothing to add to the list that's remotely kinky. Maybe one day i'll be able to convince him to do it in the car...he might say yes if we leave it in the garage... : p
1998 -- in a parked car on Market street in downtown Philadelphia, broad daylight, people everywhere -- but after getting drenched in a torrential downpour. The rain continued to pour down while we went at THAT was super hot!
In the front passenger seat of his new truck in our driveway in broad daylight ... with a nosey neighbor (binocular biatch)just yards away.
in a breeze way between apartments, lots of bj's while driving, in the park, on the balcony, the back yard (i live in an aprtment and about 8 other units can see my yard) couch with about 6 people in other rooms. darn near every room of my BF's parents house, church parkin lot, church its self, the list goes on
In a sugar cane field, fishing boat, parking lot at Lowes..(was a saturday on a sunny spring day).. pool, hot tub.. driving down road... but sugar cane field my favorite... :D gotta love the south.. ya'll!
I live in the South too. We don'tave sugar cane fields here but I have done it in a cotton field and in a tobacco field. The cotton field belonged to mystep-father. I have no idea who's tobacco field we trespassed on. It can be dangerous. Folks down here shoot trespassers first and ask questions later.
In the aisle of a movie theater, at the playground, on the sidewalk, on the beach, in a parked car on the shoulder of the parkway, at a dock in clear view of everyone (the river was so beautiful), in my office, in the stock room, in my boss' office, in the bathroom while there was someone waiting to use it at my mom's house during a party, in my mom's bed, in my roommate's bed, in the parking lot behind home depot at lunch time and no tents, in the hallway of a hotel (we actually laid down on the floor), in the laundry room of a apt. bldg., in a parked club right in front of a popular strip club (why not?), on a bench as people passed by, in the club on the stairs, in the club on a couch in the middle of the club (the patrons didn't even pick up on it) damn....I know there's more...I prefer the outdoors!!!
Never a dressing room, but in the curtain loft of a theatre with a show going on 40 feet below us...
Had a threesome at a house where a party was going on, thought we'd been discreet but we got a round of applause when we reappeared, even though we did so one at a time.
My husband used to get me off in the car while he was driving, in broad daylight. Sadly, those days are long gone...
On the steps of a Catholic church in New Orleans.
handjobs/fingering in:small world, pirates of the carribean, haunted mansion; all the way in: "family bathroom" in california adventure, across a small lake during a wedding reception, student artist studio, numerous rooms during parties, single person "adult movie booth" in Europe
(I'm DefLeppard girl) oh, the sugar cane field stories reminded me of wine grape fields & getting the car stuck in the sand between the CA... then driving home naked & running into the house hoping neighbors wouldn't see. :) those were the days...
Ok here I go, in the back of a hearse, in the broadcast booth of the local radio station, (hey when the red light is on no one comes in) also in the back of a moving van, and many outdoor places.
(btw, the hearse was my personal vehicle at the time)
In the movies (but who hasn't lol), in the auditorium, bathroom, lunch room and the gym when i was in high school, stock room @ pathmark, on a fire truck, in the bathroom of the firehouse, in the basement at the firehouse, my car, bf's car, side of the road in a fishing nook, in my office, road head (lol), in a few pools while ppl where about 5 feet away and didn't know it lol, my mom's bathroom on easter while the family was eating dinner, on a few picnic tables at a camp site, in the bath houses at a camping site, in the woods at the campsite, in the woods behind a school (IT WAS SUMMER TIME!!), the bathroom of a banquet hall during a dinner while ppl were in there (I was smashed lol) with one of the managers at my company in the elevator of the hotel we were staying at during a convention and just the other night in the parking lot of a theatere and we weren't in the car lol! Oh I am sure there will be more, the thought of getting caught is so thrilling. And my current lover is up for anything as long as he can have me : )
In the back of a limo on the way to the airport!!
Never in a dressing room, but in a Mobile homes for sale lot, in one of the for sale homes with one of the salesman that was my lover at the time, at the river on the bank with the moon up above and of course people about 20 feet away...
Sitting on the railroad tracks in the middle of the road (at night), on the steps of the local church's charity office, and with my boyfriend in a van while another friend was driving (the friend actually gave us some advice on how to get a better rhythm going at one point!). But the best was asking our double date partners to stop alongside the road so that we could have sex (they sat on the hood of the car laughing and smoking until we were done). Heh.
I couldn't help thinking that the bathroom on the top floor of the W (with the funky red rocks in the sinks) would have been a great place to have sex!
Woo hoo!! :)
I used to meet this guy at the local playground late at night. I think we defiled every piece of playground equipment at that park - the slide, the tunnel, the bridge, the swing (my favorite).
Other places - the ocean beach, in an open meadow in the woods, on the hood of our car on a logging road. Shower at the local pool and a group sleeping porch in a hostel in Denmark.
Oh and I was in a sorority - men weren't allowed above the main floor. Somehow I got access to stay an extra night into spring break and my boyfriend/now husband and I had sex in as many rooms as we could get through including the group shower that the girls referred to as the "gang shower."
never in a dressing room...
Did you ever have sex on the stage of an outdoor theatre, under the stars, with snow on the ground?
(I think the word verification knows what's going on; it reads "yowzrca")
At northlake mall in the men's room. It had a gloryhole and my boyfriend got me to go in and suck him. Another guy watched. In the football stadium bleachers and behind the bleachers (during a football game).
on a Hotel balconey, my girl gave me a BJ, and we were backlit by the lights in the room behind -- the blinds across the Hotel grounds were twitching and shaking and bending as other residents craned to see hahaha
On the top stairs of the uni building with professors talkin next door!
his parents shower, on top of the bathroom counter, in a field at night during winter bundled up in a blanket, on a couch in the basement of an old museum, in the car in several parking lots. he has also fingered me twice while HE was driving.. turned me on a ton :)
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