Tuesday, May 18, 2010

True Wife Confessions XXX

Confession #291

Remember last Friday, when we sat on the bedroom
floor and talked about how much we want to make this
marriage work? It was one of the best nights of my

Confession #292

I know that you want me to stop criticizing your mother but how can I when she is so disgusting? Anyone who flosses at the table and makes a pile of meat that she got from between her teeth is asking for it. People wonder why we haven't taken the baby to her house and I want to scream, "BECAUSE SHE HASN'T CLEANED HER TOILETS IN 15 YEARS!!!!!!!" She is the nastiest person I have ever known personally and she needs help.

Confession #293

Why are you so selfish? When will you ever consider anyone besides yourself? Why don't I matter to you? Why don't you listen to me? Why do you think it's okay to do whatever you want whenever you want and never let me know what's going on? What if I started treating you the way you treat me? Yeah, there are bigger jerks out there, and you don't beat me or cheat on me, but you don't consider me, and at times that can be just as bad

Confession #294

I know being around my family makes you
uncomfortable. I know that's why you don't like going
home for Christmas. I'm okay with that, so long as
when I say a family get-together is important, you
come to it with me.

Confession #295

I think I am the only person in my house that knows how to use a dishwashe. I mean as far as even opening it!!!! Wait, unless I pay the... Yah, when money is involved things get done!!! But, then my husband bitches that I shouldn't "Have" to pay our children to simply load and unload the dishwasher... I just want to smack the hell out of all of you for being so fucking inconsiderate!! I work full time and, I have zero tolerance for all of your ignorance!! Do the fucking dishes yourselves.. oh, yah.. and now honey, you get to do the dishes.. and give the children money so they can go to the mall. At least my way they were working for it!! Idiot...

Confession #296

The fact that you remember what I was wearing on the night we went out for our first real date....and that this was 16 years ago? Why, yes...It was that blue dress, and Yes, I did wear it to catch your eye. Remembering is amazingly sexy.

Confession #297

Your brother and his wife aren't welcome in our home.
Ever. I hope you're okay with this, because if they
want to come, I'm going to say no.

Confession #298

Are you REALLY okay with your son growing up as emotionally distant as you are?

Confession #299

It hurts me so much when I bring up something far in the future, like moving or having children, and you say "who says we're going to be together then?" I know you're "joking," but if the thought of us getting married is too much for you to handle, maybe we should be breaking up instead of making plans to celebrate our 4-year anniversary. I'm not in a big hurry to get a ring on my finger or anything, but I'd like to know that the thought has at least crossed your mind in the past four years, and hopefully it doesn't turn your stomach.

Confession #300

When you spend all day on your day off, sometimes the only day you get in a week, cleaning our house and mowing the lawn, reorganizing the garage, and then coming inside and helping me with dinner, I totally remember why it was I fell in love with you. We are a team, you and I, and while I sometimes feel guilty because I can't seem to dust as well or as quickly as you, I still remember every time I see you with the Pledge in your hands that you aren't my father, and I won't end up like my mom, doing housework all day while you watch TV and nap in the recliner. You make me want to be a better wife. I know I just told you this last night, but I wanted to say it again. And I'm sorry your clothes got so wrinkled in the dryer before your business trip.


Constance said...

Confession 299: He is MEAN. Please don't marry him. Things like that aren't funny.
Love isn't making your future spouse fearful or hurt.
Love is KNOWING you can't even imagine a fitire without her.
His words are a red flag. Please listen instead of investing more time in someone who isn't making it obvious how very much he appreciates you and enjoys being with you.

Anonymous said...

293, I think you might be dating/married to my first husband. Yes, it is just as bad, but beware, lots of people may not see it that way. I got a lot of flack from family and friends for leaving, because he DIDN'T beat me or cheat on me, so they didn't see the problem. If only more people realized those are just the minimum requirements for a marriage, not the ultimate recipe for happiness. I sincerely hope you see some changes, or find someone who DOES care about your feelings. I did.

Anonymous said...

#299 - After 4 years together, I don't think your guy is joking. I mean, I hope I am wrong, but you may need to pay closer attention to the non-verbal signals that he's sending out about the long term and think hard about what you life will be like with a guy who's possibly afraid of making permanent commitment. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

#300. You are adorable. I can hear in you the guilt I have for sometimes not noticing his beauty. We are luck, luck,lucky and will no doubt be forgiven for the crinkly washing!

Anonymous said...

#293: It's weird, I read your post and it perfectly described my partner (a woman), who I've just seperated from a month ago. She was an amazing woman in many ways and I loved her with all my heart. But she was also the most selfish and bitchy woman I've ever met. Eventually that part of her became who she was and I never saw the person I loved. She didn't cheat on me but I ended up feeling completely betrayed, unloved and used. I'm now making my way forward in life and not looking back, I hope everything works out for you, whatever that may be (but I think you already suspect what the answer to that is)