Monday, March 22, 2010

True Wife Confessions Like the 309

Confession #3091

My middle daughter’s father is not who she thinks it is. He’s not who everyone assumes he is.

Confession #3092

Let start off my saying, I love you. I don't know how I could have gotten through the toughest part of my life without you. Now that we've been together for quite some time I've started to realize what kind of person you are. I am out trying to get an education and improve my life. You moved here for me and I thank you for that. However, I'm not so sure anymore that it was the right decision. I get irritated with you all the time, we both know it. I miss our relationship from the very beginning, how we were crazy in love with each other. But, I still question whether it was the right thing. We were young and alone. I hate how you sit at home all the time doing nothing but playing your stupid games. You don't understand that I want you to do something with your life. I'm tired of being your everything, you need something else besides me to live for. I don't want to be your everything anymore. I feel like I can't tell you this because you've moved here for me. I feel obligated now. I think I'm failing classes because of you. You pull me away every spare minute I have. I hate how I look next to you, we don't match. We have completely different outlooks on life. We are opposites. I don't know how I still love you. I'm scared of being alone and you're the only one who wants to be with me. How? Why? I hate how much I love you. I don't want to let you go but I'm slowly killing myself.

Confession #3093

When you ask me if I'm still attracted to you even though you've gained 60 pounds in the past short years I've been married to you and I say "of course I do" I'm lying. I think its disgusting how much you've let yourself go. For God's sake, can you at least take a shower before you try to hit on me? I find it absolutely repulsive. I do still love you though. You really need to get your fat ass to the gym

Confession #3094

I am tired of feeling like I'm not enough! Pretty enough, skinny enough, sexy enough... I work hard at not making him feel insecure, but he has no problem with making me feel insecure, almost all the time. Sex is mediocre, I don't know if I've ever had an orgasm, but he will never find that out. Finances are tearing us a part, we are having a lot of trouble trying to make ends meet. I am now pregnant with our second child, but I don't feel the desire for this relationship with my husband anymore. I thought he would not only be my first, but also my last. I know I still love him, but I don't think I'm in love with him anymore.

I'm only 25 and sometimes I wonder if I will find someone else who will want me with my two children. For now anyways, my focus will be on my children and my career for the next couple of years. I feel I fell in love too young and I'm now paying for it. I am however, one of the lucky ones who obtained a college education, during the course of marriage, raising a child and finding myself and still trying to find myself for that matter. I'm ready to be comfortable in my own skin. Sometimes I wonder if it's necessary to have someone. I'm sick of the heartbreaks and disappointments! My children already have a father. I'm definitely not looking to jump into a serious relationship. Marriage at a young age has taken my youth. Mommy I think just needs "friends with benefits" in the future and to just focus on my kids and career.

Confession #3095

My lover proposed to me. Now what to do about my husband....

Confession #3096

i just finished cleaning the bathrooms- one of which is covered in your foot powder and a pain in the ass to get up. i also just finished picking up dirty clothes off of the floor- and there were more of yours than the kids! and, i just finished washing out a gross coffee mug that was left in your car for way too long. and as much as i want to be annoyed and nag you when you get home, i won't do it because you know what? you are the best damn husband i could ever hope for. you're human, and so am i... and all of the crap you put up with from me without so much as an eye roll- you deserve a medal. i hope we can be this happy for the rest of our lives- thank you mister.

love, your adoring wife

Confession #3097

If you don't start trying harder to make good memories before you leave, you might find a family that doesn't want you when you come back

Confession #3098

We've been divorced for eight months and I am never going back to you. You can keep sending me detailed love letters, texts, and e-mails, but it will not get you what you want. I gave you a million chances to change while we were married. Now, I am done. That is the magic of divorce.

By the way, when you ask if I have a "Hot Date" just because I say "no," it doesn't mean that I don't have a date. It just means that I don't know if it will be hot or not.

Confession #3099

I love you, but you're a real assmunch lately.

Confession #3100

Yes, when all is said and done I did leave for another man. But I tried to fix everything.
I tried to share my passions with you. You hated them and told me so. I was not allowed
to sing. I was not allowed to enjoy theatre. I was told my interests were stupid.
You wouldn't hold your daughter. You wouldn't get up with her at night. If she had night terrors,
you got mad at her. You would not do things with her because "it did not interest you". You would sit in the
garage and smoke pot. That is what you would do day in and day out. And that was "awful",
being "forced" to smoke in the garage. It was an injustice. Your idea of us bonding was to have me get stoned
with you. That would bring us closer.

So yeah, I left you, go figure.


theo said...

#3096 - You really 'get it'; thanks for sharing. . .

AZGypsie said...

I just started reading your blog and am convulsively laughing and so empathetic. Do we all go thru this? Shit. You rock!

The Fool Of All Fools said...

Confession #3093 about husband gaining 60 pounds and hitting on wife without having taken a shower is right on the money. Overweight people smell, I know because I am about 60 pounds overweight. We breath heavy, it's pretty gross. My wife has lost a lot of weight and is now cheating on me. I just wanted to know if your husband lost those 60 pounds, would you still cheat?

A Good Mom said...

thank you so FUCKING MUCH for this

Anonymous said...

#3092 - Please don't say your husband is making you fail your classes. If you make your education your priority, you'll find that he will shape up or ship out... either way you will end up winning.
Keep at it! Accomplishing goals is natural prozac.